How to bring digital to Parliament?
In a broad role, I planned and delivered work for two general elections, a cyber attack, three large-scale rollouts, and our COVID-19 response.
Delivering a multi-channel cyber security campaign, I drafted and delivered comms, commissioned work, and met with senior staff and the Speaker to discuss our work.
As part of the campaign, I gave a persona to 'Cyber Guy', our character who embodies Parliament's persistant cyber threat, brought to life through image and video.
Leading on engagement for Parliament's new website, I built an engagement strategy which delivered a year-long plan to introduce parliament to our development work.
I piloted organisation-wide show and tells, live-streaming these to our audience. A first in Parliament, my passion for video made this a success, with many teams after my expertise.
I take pride in my work, and an active interest in Parliament. From attending every Speaker's lecture since joining, chatting to Lords, to visiting Strangers (the gallery and the bar), I have made the most of being in Parliament.